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Beauty Advices

Food costs have skyrocketed in the past year, but that doesn’t mean you have to forego healthy eating. With just a little forethought, there...

Beauty Advices

RECIPE BY LEANDRA ROUSE | PHOTOGRAPHY BY SAM EMMONS As you set about keeping your goals for the new year, consider how you fuel...

Beauty Advices

As we head into a new year, it’s always important to reflect on the one gone by. 2022 was filled with highs and lows,...

Beauty Advices

Many people think that, when it comes to alcohol use, it’s all-or-nothing; you either pursue full sobriety or you drink whatever and whenever you...

Beauty Advices

Beauty Advices

The New Year is one of the best times of the year to set fitness and wellness resolutions. And one of the best ways...

Beauty Advices

Barre classes may do great things for your glutes, thighs, and core, but if you really want to be strong like a ballerina, consider...

Beauty Advices

RECIPE BY LEANDRA ROUSE | PHOTOGRAPHY BY SAM EMMONS  Hot Pot is a delicious family meal that is served with a steaming soup at...

Beauty Advices

Winter can be tough for many people, with fewer hours of daylight and plunging temperatures. Sure, there are many holidays and celebrations to look...

Health Care

Health Care

While it is primarily a respiratory disease, COVID-19 infection affects other organs, including the brain. One of the first spectroscopic imaging-based studies of neurological...

Health Care

This Thanksgiving, it may be better to forget about even trying to pretend things are normal. Instead, Karestan Koenen suggested acknowledging up-front that it...

Beauty Advices

When it comes to living longer, “weekend warriors” may be onto something, according to a new study. When researchers reviewed the physical activity patterns...

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