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Health Care

While it is primarily a respiratory disease, COVID-19 infection affects other organs, including the brain. One of the first spectroscopic imaging-based studies of neurological...

Health Care

Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s Barry Bloom, Joan L. and Julius H. Jacobson Research Professor of Public Health, offers context about the...

Health Care

This Thanksgiving, it may be better to forget about even trying to pretend things are normal. Instead, Karestan Koenen suggested acknowledging up-front that it...

Health Care

Experts are working out a broad strategy to vaccinate Americans, with an eventual plan likely to prioritize health care and essential workers, as well...

Health Care

Nobody was prepared for 2020, but a public talk on collective trauma in December 2019 was prescient. At Harvard Medical School’s live-streamed “Talk@12,” Bala...

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